Friday, July 5, 2013

Rainbow Fan

So a few days ago I found this awesome picture of a fan that was painted with primary colors and when it was turned on it look like a rainbow! I knew I had to try it because even if it didn't work the fan would still look cool because the blades were painted different colors. 

This is the original picture that was posted: 

To do this craft you will need the following:

  • Fan Blades
  • Newspaper
  • Paper towels 
  • Cup of water
  • Red, Blue, and Yellow paint
  • Paint brush

 I painted my blue blade first since it needed to be in the middle between the red and yellow

Then with the blue blade on top I painted the bottom right one red. The red needs to be next to the blue so it can in theory make purple.

Then last I painted the last blade yellow.

 I had to do 2 coats of the blue and 3 coats on the red and yellow. I used acrylic paint I don't think it matters what type you use but it's what I had on hand.

Last you put the blades back on the fan and turn it on! 

However when I turned the fan on it didn't look like the one from the original picture. I tried it on all speeds but still the same effect, it looked all yellow.

When I turned off the fan and as it started to slow down I did get the rainbow effect some. Either way it's a cool effect and I like my fan's painted blades. 

NOTE: the original picture uses a white fan and I used a black one I don't think the outcome would changed much if at all though.

If you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask. 


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!

Just wanted to say Happy 4th everyone! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

Here's a little picture of how I did my nails today, nothing spectacular but still cute :)

If you would like me to do more nail style blogs let me know and I'll try some from my board on Pinterest.

Salt Dough Handprint Stones

Happy July 4th everyone! Yesterday I did this awesome hand print stone and I couldn't wait to share it with you all!

So last year I saw this and instantly wanted to do it for my nieces. What a creative and fun way to get an imprint of their little hands that can be kept as a keepsake over the years! 

What you will need to do this:

  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • Bowl
  • Mixing spoon
  • Small bowl (like for cereal) 
  • Plate
  • Parchment paper
  • Cookie sheet
  • Paint 
  • Paint brushes

 Mix together all your ingredients and knead it until it is smooth and stretchy.

 Making sure that the dough is stretchy is very important otherwise the dough remains sticky and granular from the salt. If after this the dough is still too sticky add just a touch more of flour. If it is too dry and crumbly then add just a touch of water. This part was a little tricky for me and took trial and error before I got it the way I wanted it.

After the dough is kneaded and the right consistency I used  a bowl to get the circular shape and then transferred it to a plate the flatten it out some and let the girls put their hand prints on it.

 The next part was a little tricky I had to transfer them from the plates to the cookie sheet and I kept losing the hand print and circle in the process. In the end I had the girls just do their hand prints on the dough on the actual cookie sheet. 

Next just bake them in your oven at 200 degrees for 3 hours. If the backs are still a little doughy after 3 hours just flip them over and bake for another 2 hours.

NOTE: I didn't have parchment paper on hand so I just baked them on the cookie sheet without it. They came out fine in the end. It did take a little longer than originally stated but it still worked. 

Last let them sit for a day and come back the next and paint them! The girls loved this project and really liked showing their parents their hand prints. Could be a great gift to parents for birthdays, holidays, or even any day!  

If you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer is back and so are the crafts

So it's summer time again and my nieces are home and they wanna do fun things. They came down stairs with their pictures and things they had made last summer and wanted it to be craft summer AGAIN!!

With that being said I'm bringing the blog back and I'm on the search for things to do. It can be any thing; crafts, hair styles, recipes, and so on if I can do it, I will do it. If you guys have any ideas for me to do leave a comment and let me know. I'll try to do them all if possible. If you had a trouble with a pin from Pinterest and want me to try it, tell me I'll see what I can come up with. 

It's summer time, and I'm out of college for break so it's time to get dirty!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mess free finger paint

Today I was watching my two younger nieces while my oldest niece was out with her girl scout troop so I decided to do something that the 5 and 2 year old could do that wouldn't be hard for them to do. While looking through my crafts board I found the perfect thing, finger painting without the mess!!

This is what you will need to do this activity:

  • Paper
  • Paint (acrylic or poster works good)
  • Ziploc bag
  • Painter's Paint

Lay the paper on the table and then lay the zip lock bag on top of paper.
Note: I used two pieces of computer paper to put under my gallon sized bags to cover the entire area of bag.

Once you have done this you can begin taping the paper and bag to the table. 

Don't tape the top of bag yet as you still need to put paint in the bag.

Once you have put the paint inside of the bag you can begin to close the bag. Before you seal it all the way make sure all the air is out of the bag and then seal tightly. Then tape the top of bag down to the table.

Once this is done, your kids can begin to finger paint mess FREE! 

The girls had a lot of fun doing this and they ever switched seats to play with the different colors at times.

As the day wore on they went off to play with other things but they kept coming back to play. I think this was my favorite thing to do with them yet, mainly because for clean up it only took un-taping the bags from the table which was very easy! No mess equaled a very happy Aunt and I know it would make some very happy Moms! 

If you have any questions or need any help please feel free to ask. :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Turning broken crayons into new crayons

My nieces have really wanted to take their old broken crayons and melt them and turn them into fun shapes, so today I finally got some little heart shaped tins and we took their old crayons and turn them into fun new ones.

All you need for this is:

  • Crayons
  • molds/tins
  • cookie tray

I picked up these little tins at a dollar store  they were perfect for the job and I got like 20 for a $1.00 That's always a plus!

Take your broken crayons and peel any paper off of them. My nieces had already torn the paper of their crayons but after reading some different ways of doing this I read if you soak your crayons in cold water for a little bit the paper will come right off making it much easier than peeling it. 

Next fill your molds/tins with the crayons. I let the girls each fill their own they really enjoyed it because they got to pick their favorite colors to put in their tin.

Next you put your crayons in the oven on 230 degrees for put them on for 15-20 minutes. After 15 minutes I checked on mine and they still needed some time so I put them back in for 5 minutes. Some of the crayons weren't still completely melted but I didn't want to keep them in any longer because I read that if you kept them in too long the colors would completely mix. 

Wait about 30 minutes for them to be completely dry and they are ready to color with!

These were super easy to do and it's a great way to recycle those old crayons instead of throwing them out. 

If you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Foil Mermaids

My oldest niece loves mermaids and she has had this book with mermaid crafts and has been begging me to do something from it. So today we made foil mermaids.

What you will need to make your own foil mermaid:

  • White paper
  • crayons/markers
  • scissors
  • aluminum foil
  • ball point pen
  • white glue
  • food coloring
  • thin paint brushes
  • paper plate
  • x-acto knife (optional) it does make cutting foil tail out easier

First you will need the Stencils to make these mermaids. 

Sorry for the colored background but its the only way my scanner would scan our sketches of the mermaids we made. 

Step 1: Once you have made your mermaids, you will need to cut them out and lay her on the shiny side of  some aluminum foil and trace around her tail up to her waist. 

Step 2: Cut out the foil tail and with a ball point pen, draw rows of scales and then draw lines on the fin at the end of her tail. 

This is a couple ideas from the book on how you could draw the scales

Step 3: Next glue the foil tail onto the mermaid. While the tail is drying this is a perfect time for the kids to color in the top part of their mermaids.

Step 4: Next you will need your paper plate, glue, and food coloring to make the paint for the tail. Squeeze two blobs of white glue onto the paper plate. Then use your food coloring to create a color and mix your food coloring and glue together.

Step 5: Then take your paint brush to paint in your mermaid's tail. After you finish painting it let it dry and your mermaid is done!

The girls really had a lot of fun making these, this project does take a good portion of time we made three of them and it took us about 2 hours to make them. Also while working with the foil for the tail be careful because it can rip easily. I suggest maybe using a heavier foil for this project, we used what we had on hand and did it but it was challenging at first. 

Note: I got this craft from the book called Mermaid things to make and do by Leonie Pratt

If you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask.