Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer is back and so are the crafts

So it's summer time again and my nieces are home and they wanna do fun things. They came down stairs with their pictures and things they had made last summer and wanted it to be craft summer AGAIN!!

With that being said I'm bringing the blog back and I'm on the search for things to do. It can be any thing; crafts, hair styles, recipes, and so on if I can do it, I will do it. If you guys have any ideas for me to do leave a comment and let me know. I'll try to do them all if possible. If you had a trouble with a pin from Pinterest and want me to try it, tell me I'll see what I can come up with. 

It's summer time, and I'm out of college for break so it's time to get dirty!

1 comment:

  1. Hey love your site!! I'm off from college as well and i was looking at your blog banner (which is amazeballs by the way) and was wondering if you could do the crayon artwork that's on the banner! That would look so awesome in my dormroom!
