Today was an eventful day with my nieces, I decided to take them to the store with me to get ingredients needed to make the playdoh. Which didn't seem to hard because you don't need much. Well I didn't know what cream of tarter was and neither did anyone in the store so it led us on a wild goose chase through the store until I called my boyfriend to get him to ask his mom, and he knew what it was. Mind you my boyfriend doesn't ever cook so I was surprised he knew. Needless to say if you don't know what cream of tarter is it's a spice and it's located with the other spices.
It looks like this:
All you need to make homemade playdoh is:
- 1 C. of flour
- 1 C. of water
- 1/4 C. salt
- 1 TBSP of vegetable oil
- 2 tsp of cream of tarter
- food coloring (I've read some people use kool-aid packets)
- Sparkles (if you want to add a little something extra for the kids)
- Small pot
- Mixing spoon
I let the oldest two dump their measured ingredients in the pot for their playdoh

It doesn't matter how you pour in your ingredients we poured all our dry ones first just for picture reasons
Then we added the liquid ingredients and the oldest wanted hers pink so we only added a few drops of red
Then stir all ingredients well before placing on stove
Once it is stirred well place on medium heat and stir. You have to stir the entire time mixture is on stove.
It will begin to thicken after a few minutes.
Once it has formed a big clump of playdoh scoop it out of the pot and knead.
Before kneading
After Kneading
We made three batches, one color for each girl. It does make a lot for one color in my opinion so when I made the playdoh for my 2 year old niece I cut the recipe in half and it came out just as nice.
Keep the playdoh stored in an air tight container like these plastic Tupperware bowls and your kids will have playdoh for weeks if not months.
If you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask.
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