Sunday, June 24, 2012

Homemade Finger Paint

So today I opened my crafts board and told my 7 year old niece to pick something to do, needless to say this was not the first thing she picked but we had to do something her 2 year old sister could enjoy too. After   going through over a 100 crafts we finally agreed on homemade finger paint.

So to make your own homemade paint you need the following:
  • 3 tbs of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup corn starch
  • 2 cups of water
  • food coloring
  • pot
  • mixing spoon
  • measuring cups and measuring spoons
  • small bowls to put finger paint in

Mix all ingredients into pot and warm until mixture thickens

This is what it will look like when its done
note: make sure to mix it well mine had a few small lumps in it

Then scoop the mixture into your bowls and add your food coloring

Then let your kids dig their fingers in and paint masterpieces

Note: A little does go a long way with this stuff, and the texture is a little gooey. 
When we were painting I didn't think this mixture would dry nicely, but it dried fine and the kids loved it.

If you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask.
Also I'm open to any suggestions if anyone has any to make this a new way. 

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